Sunday, January 11, 2009

Raving about Slumdog millionaire!!!

There are some movies that are fun to watch, there are others showcasing the hard hitting truths of life... and then i found a third kind, Slum-dog Millionaire!!!
The casual portrayal of a Mumbai slum-dog does come with a fair share of subtly passed, yet hard hitting comments like, "But for Ram and Allah, my mother would have been alive".

This fascinating story revolves around a TV game show, "Who wants to be a millionaire" of about an hour. Every question takes Jamal Malik back down the memory lane and he associates his past with every question on this journey to becoming a millionaire.
Ofcourse, it does come with a couple of inexplicable moments like, how a random begger knows that the picture on the $100 bill is that of Benjamin Franklyn and how almost every question that was asked had something to do with Jamal's past. But the slick screenplay and the pace of the story overrides all these.
Anil Kapoor delivers a mature performance as the game show host, with great finesse.

Herezz hoping we get to see more of such amazing scripts!

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